Contaminated Land

We would be happy to discuss your project, so please get in touch.​

Get in touch! 01884 252 444

South West Geotechnical Ltd has the in house experience to investigate and assess geo-environmental / contaminated land issues. These investigations range from Phase 1 reports, developing conceptual site models and scoping investigations to detailed quantitative risk assessments.   

We work within the framework of BS10175: Code of Practice for the Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites and Environment Agency’s guidance provided by the Contaminated Land Report 11: Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination”.

Having worked on former garages / petrol filling stations, sites affected by naturally occurring metals, laundries and gas works, we can draw upon our experience to form the most client focused and cost effective way of dealing with contamination issues.

We also carry out materials management assessments including the movement of materials and licencing under the CL:aire definition of waste. Our technicians also help with more routine construction phase work including WAC testing, topsoil testing to BS3882 as part of the wider materials management undertaken by an associate independent Qualified Person (QP).